ICES Advisory 05/2021 dated 28.1.2021 regarding Budget Updation 2021 – 22
The Union Budget 2021-22 is expected to be presented in the Parliament on 01.02.2021. Consequent to the same the exercise of updation of ICES notification and Tariff Directories would be undertaken at the selected Directory Managing sites.
Effect on Custom Clearance
Consequent to the presentation of Budget on 01.02.2021, filing of Bills of Entry (BE) would not be available from 20:00 hours onwards on 01.02.2021 till the completion of updation of all changes in the ICES. Section 48 approvals would also be stopped after 20:00 hours on 01.02.2021. Other than filing of BE, all other services at ICEGATE will continue as usual. System will also be available to officers for other functions in ICES.
Anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of Flat Rolled Products of Stainless Steel
Since Shipping Bill (SB) filing and assessment will continue as usual, in the event of changes in the Export Duty and Export Cess or other export related levies in the forthcoming Union Budget, it is advised that the respective sites will keep a track of the relevant SBs given Let Export after 1st February 2021 till the directory changes are made online. Till such time export duty or cess or any other export levies imposed should be collected manually thereon.