As per this public notoce issude by nhava sheva custom, All class A and class B medical devices are under licensing regime w.e.f. 01.10.2022 and class C and class D medical devices will be under licensing w.e.f.01.10.2023. Surgical gloves and ...
Vircheet Latest Articles
Labelling for APIs when imported into India
VircheetLabelling for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) when imported into India w.e.f.1.1.2023 vide notification dated 18th January, 2022 issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. Attached copy of notification The Central Government of India, after consultation with the Drugs Technical ...
Regulation of all Class A & B Medical Devices
VircheetRegulation of all Class A & B Medical Devices under Licensing regime, w.e.f 01.10.2022, as per G.S.R. 102(E) dt 11.02.2020 In order to regulate all the medical devices, MoHFW has published G.S.R. 102 (E) dated 11.02.2020 for regulation of such ...
Non-referral of regulated Medical products for ADC NOC on Single Window
CHOTA RAJOOAssistant Drugs Controller(I) informing that due to recent technical error arising in Single Window, several critical regulated Medical products including cosmetics, IVDs etc. are not being referred to ADC for issuance of NOC. Hence it is hereby requested that all ...
Advisory from COSCO Shipping Lines(I)Pvt.Ltd-HOLIDAY ON 15th Oct 2021
CHOTA RAJOOGreetings from Cosco Lines!! This email is in regard to inform your good association that we will be closed on FRIDAY 15/10/2021 on the occasion of “ VIAJYA DASAMI”, which means there will be a continuous holiday for 3 days in a row FRIDAY/SATURDAY/SUNDAY/. ...
CDSCO Circulars
RAJOOForwarding herewith the following circulars issued by Central Drugs Standard Control Organization regarding:- Special condition under which the permission for import of drug with residual shelf life less than 60% is allowed, is extended upto 30.4.2022. Classification of Medical Device pertaining to Operation Theatre Classification of Medical Device ...
CDSCO Circulars
RAJOOForwarding herewith the following circulars issued by Central Drugs Standard Control Organization regarding:- Circular- Residual shelf life less than 60% -13.09.2021 Special condition under which the permission for import of drug with residual shelf life less than 60% is allowed, ...
Mandatory uploading of documents in e-Sanchit certain import items (CTHs) w.e.f. 15.01.2021
Vircheet The above attached advisory No 02/2021 dated 14.1.2021 issued by Directorate General of Systems and Data Management New Delhi regarding Mandatory uploading of documents in E-sanchit. In terms of the Board Circular No. 55/2020-Customs dated 17.12.2020, uploading of certain ...
Regulation of Blood Glucose Monitors, Blood Pressure Monitors, nebulizers and Thermometers as drugs with effect from 1st January, 2021.
Vircheet Find new regulation from Drugs Controller General (India) with regard to the Regulation of blood glucose monitors, blood pressure monitors, nebulizers and Thermometers as drugs with effect from 1st January, 2021.