What is warehousing and it’s types? Warehousing refers to the activity involving storage of goods on the large scale, in a systematic and orderly manner and making them available conveniently whenever required. warehousing is a part of logistics function. Why ...
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Inventory Management and Economic order Quantity
seawave logisticsWhat Is Inventory and Economic order quantity (EOQ)? How important it is and how its impact on annual profit of any manufacturing company? Inventory is (popularly known as stock) an important current assets which can be converted in cash in ...
Manufacturing in a bonded manufacturing facility.
rajeshThe Central Board of Indirect Taxes (CBIC) is allowing import of raw materials and capital goods without payment of duty for manufacturing and other operations in a bonded manufacturing facility. The Custom Duty is exempted, if the Imported raw materials or ...
Prajneel Warehousing Management Pvt Ltd (PWMPL)
VircheetPrajneel Warehousing Management Private Limited was established in the year 2018, They are well Known for service-provider a wide range of optimum quality Warehouse and Labelling Service. Prajneel Warehousing service range comprises of General Warehouse Service, MRP Labelling Service, and ...