DPIIT has revamped its Industrial Entrepreneurs Memorandum (IEM) portal to enhance the transparency and to ensure ease of doing business, the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPITT) has launched an enhanced DPITT G2B Portal to file an application for Industrial Entrepreneur Memorandum– Part A (for the establishment of business) and Part B (upon commencement of commercial production) online through the DPIIT’s enhanced portal.

As mentioned above, Industrial Entrepreneurs Memorandum (IEM) is an application for acknowledgement of the industrial unit. The large scale industry which is outside the purview of the industrial licensing provisions needs to obtain the Industrial Entrepreneurs Memorandum IEM.
Frequently Asked Questions relating to Industrial Entrepreneur Memorandum (IEM)
Whether all industries are required to file IEM?
All industrial undertakings exempted from the requirements of industrial licensing under I (D&R) Act, 1951 and having an investment in plant and machinery of Rs 50 Crore and above; OR turnover of Rs. 250 crore and above , including Existing Units, New undertaking (NU) and New Article (NA), may file an IEM, i.e. “Form IEM” in the prescribed format ‘Part A’. Press Note issued on 30th March 2021 by PIB regarding upgradation of paperless process for grant of IEM may be referred.
What is Part B?
All Industrial undertakings which had filed IEM are required to report commencement of commercial production and this is also filed on-line on the same portal by way of filing information as per prescribed form ‘Part B’ of the IEM after commencement of commercial production by the establishment; a copy of the related IEM Ack. is required to be attached while filing this information on the portal. Like ‘Part A’ Ack. of IEM, the Department also issues Ack. for ‘Part B’ through its portal.