Hi, recently the ministry of steel has issued circular that each and every import shipment of steel and steel products must apply and obtain the noc from the portal TCQCO or on their website, if the products not fall under the any QCO issued by ministry or BIS.
It has been heard that On that basis the shipments at nhava sheva and mundra are hold by custom and asked to produce the noc for steel products.
The question is if the QCO is not included the product then why this condition because all the QCO IS Easley available on bis/relevent ministries website. And custom officer or any importer can check whether their products are under QCO or not. Even any QCO issued are applicable after 6 months form it’s publication.
still if the facility is made available for trade then it should be made optional for such cases where any doubt/disputes or confusion arises. it will be very helpful to resolve the matter. As well as if any one wnat to take noc in prior to import. To clear his doubt and a certain on his decision.
Regarding the custom clearance if the goods not fall under QCO then there should not be any compulsion for taking any noc to avoid any delay in clearance of shipment which may avoid the detention and demarage.
let’s hope this may reach to higher authority and it’s permanent resolution comes earliest from the top.
Because if this is the criteria then it should be applicable for all products imported in India.
Why Parcility with steel products importer only?
with effort of this post clarification has been received from Cbic as below today
Madam/ Sir,
Reference is invited to circular F.No. S-20011/14/2021-TECH dated
20.10.2023 issued of Ministry of Steel on the subject matter (copy attached).
2. In this regard, it is informed that the Ministry of Steel has further clarified
that mandatory clarification is required only for steel products of those ITCHS
codes which have been mapped with the Indian Standards notified under the
Quality Control Order issued by Ministry of Steel.
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Is it relevant to get noc for each shipment of steel and steel products, if its not fall under QCO? » Vircheet