Hello evey one, If you are a importer or exporter and still you haven’t updated your IEC details in DGFT, then you must check the attached trade notice No.31/2021-22 dated 14.01.2022 issued by DGFT regarding De-Activation of IECs not updated at DGFT.
All IECs which have not been updated after 01.07.2020 shall be de-activated with
effect from 01.02.2022. The list of such IECs may be seen at the given link
(https://www.dgft.gov.in/CP/?opt=IECDL) . The concerned IEC holders are provided an opportunity to update their IEC in this interim period till 31.01.2022, failing which the given IECs shall be de-activated from 01.02.2022. Any IEC where an online updation application has been submitted but is pending with the DGFT RA for approval shall be excluded from the de – activation list.