SCOMET license and Post-reporting requirements for Export of chemicals under General authorization
for export of Chemicals and related equipments (GAEC)
SCOMET norms is very essential at the time of clearance of export consignments in India at any port or icd, DGFT Trade Notice No 30/2021-22 dtd 13.1.2022, DGFT Notf.47 dtd 20.12.2021 and Appendix 3 (copies enclosed ) may kindly be referred in this regards.
The necessary declaration from the Exporters (format enclosed for your ready reference) required in the cases where the export product is not being covered under SCOMET norms stating that they have gone through the DGFT Trade Notice No 30/2021-22 dtd 13.1.2022 and that they are not covered under SCOMET.