Hi, recently the ministry of steel has issued circular that each and every import shipment of steel and steel products must apply and obtain the noc from the portal TCQCO or on their website, if the products not fall under ...
Vircheet Latest Articles
Seeks to amend Sea Cargo Manifest and Transhipment Regulations 2018
CHOTA RAJOOForwarding herewith Notification No.78/2021-Customs(N.T.) dated 30.09.2021 issued by CBIC regarding extending the date of registration till 31st December 2021.
Important GST Trade Notice issued by CGST and CX,Mumbai Zone
CHOTA RAJOOImportant GST Trade Notice issued by CGST & CX, Mumbai Zone SR. NO. TRADE NOTICE NO. & DATE OF ISSUE Subject 1 Trade Notice No. 09/CGST & CX/MUMBAI Zone/2021 dated 22nd September, 2021 Clarification on doubts related to scope of ...
GST Notification
CHOTA RAJOOImportant GST Central Tax notifications issued by CBIC 1.Notification No.35/2021-Central Tax dated 24.09.2021 regarding Seeks to make amendments (Eighth Amendment, 2021) to the CGST Rules, 2017 2.Notification No.36/2021-Central Tax dated 24.09.2021 regarding Seeks to amend Notification No. 03/2021 dated 23.02.2021.
Easing container availability for export cargo
CHOTA RAJOOEasing container availability for export cargo vide Circular No.21/2021-Customs dated 24.09.2021 issued by CBIC. Circular-No-21-2021 As a temporary measure to ease containers available presently for export of containerised cargo and with aim of promoting export of laden marine containers, it ...
Clarification on doubts related to scope of Intermediary
CHOTA RAJOOForwarding herewith Circular No. 159/15/2021-GST dated 20.09.2021 issued by CBIC regarding Clarification on doubts related to scope of “Intermediary”, for your information.
Foreign Currency Conversion rate used by Shipping Companies and Freight Forwarders
VircheetHow the Foreign Currency Conversion system, used by Shipping lines and freight Forwarders of India effect the Import or export shipments of Indian Importers and Exporters. In India while doing Import or Export trade, the Importers and Exporters has to ...