Rate of exchange of one unit of foreign currency equivalent to Indian rupees Notification copy Notification No.26/2021-Customs(NT) dated 04.03.2021 issued by CBIC regarding Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 05th March, 2021, for your information.
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Exchange Rate for conversion of the foreign currency for duty payment with effect from 08th January ,2021
VircheetAs per Notification No.03/2021-Customs (NT) dated 07.01.2021 issued by CBIC the new Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency are in effect from 08th January 2021, for information of trade. https://vircheet.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/Exchange-Rate-w.e.f-8th-Jan-2021.pdf
Custom exchange rate for November 2020
vishalExchange Rate wef 6th November 2020 Please find attached Notification No.105/2020-Customs (NT) dated 05.11.2020 issued by CBIC regarding Rate of exchange of conversion of the foreign currency with effect from 06th November 2020.